#greater universe
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porahten · 27 days ago
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Low quality image I did a bit ago. Kind of cute so I thought I’d share it
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narutothoughts · 1 month ago
Kakanaru au where kakashi gets hurt on a mission and passes out in the middle of a forest on the way back to Konoha.
When he wakes up he’s neatly laid out in the middle of an old shrine, with fresh bandages wrapped around his stitched up wounds and warm tea at his elbow.
The fact he remained unconscious through someone moving him and closing his wounds was discontenting even if it wasn’t particularly surprising. He did lose a lot of blood and chakra after all.
Now that he’s awake, kakashi knows he should leave. He knows better than to test his luck staying in place for too long anywhere outside of the village.
But…he’s curious. And despite the stitches, he’s still in danger of infection considering Konoha is over a week away in his current state.
So he leverages himself up, and tries to look around as much as he can. But the entire shrine is empty. Not a single sign of the one that helped him.
When he wakes up again a few hours later there’s a pot of warm tea at his side to replace the old cup, a little pile of fruit, and new bandages. The day after that, there’s sake and plum wine added to the mix.
Kakashi doesn’t really know what’s happening but he’s never been one to sit idle nor has he ever been an ungrateful man. So as soon as he’s able to get up without his head spinning he gets to work. he sweeps the floors and dusts the cobwebs. Even polishes a little golden fox statue he finds tucked behind a wooden alter.
It’s the least he could do for his hidden host. The caretaker of this place maybe?
Kakashi’s body and chakra recovers faster than he anticipated. After five days he leaves even as the Hatake part of him that lives in back of his head keens.
Before he goes he pats the golden fox on the head. It was oddly cute compared to the 9 statues of snarling stone foxes surrounding it, though there was undeniable beauty in those too.
A few months later he’s injured again and realizes the shrine is on his way back to Konoha. He stops there to rest for the night and heads out in the morning, only taking the time to drink some of the tea and wipe down the alter, barely noticing how his chakra coils have refilled already.
And it keeps happening whenever he gets injured. He comes, he rests, he cleans, and goes with a pat to the gold statues head.
Until one day he wakes up to a long limbed blond at his side instead of the usual tea and fruits. When the blanket shifts to reveal a bare back and smooth tan skin he thanks every god out there for his mask covering his blush. Sleepy blue eyes blink open at him right on cue and honestly? Kakashi thinks he deserved that for not putting the pieces together earlier.
This is blatantly inspired by @rayshippouuchiha
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ohholydyke · 3 months ago
Actually the Great Commission is about generating a culture of love and care between diverse interconnected global communities not about colonizing and trying to convert groups because you think their way of life is somehow lesser unless they approach the Divine from a Christian lens
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warlenys · 1 year ago
like twelve spent 4.5 billion years being tortured and then was gonna rip the universe apart for clara and yet a kiss was where they drew the line. a kiss would’ve been too much. most romantic romance of all time. so romantic that kissing was worth more than the universe. normal
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brucewaynehater101 · 10 months ago
i'm gonna be real idk if your the right person to go for young justice core four headcanons but you give the best replies by far so heres my own idea idea
I was listening to the Roblox Soundfont remix and now the og Gone Angels and now I'm thinking . . .
Tim became Robin to prevent Batman from ceasing to be the symbol of heroism and good he started off as
The symbol that spiraled into destruction of even the self with Jason Todd's death
imagine a world where Red Robin becomes the very thing he swore to destroy with his own death
he dies along with Bart and Kon. Cassie due to this and maybe other factors fucking looses it, Batman post-Jason's death but pre-Tim becoming Robin style
or maybe instead he dies but the rest of the core four lives. either way Cassie still looses it, by herself or with her other teammates
And maybe, just maybe, they get nobody to be the Third Robin to their Batman, no Third Robin to Tim's Second Robin
likely improbably in canon but the idea of Cassie and maybe even Bart and Kon having a villain arc (maybe Black Silence style) is too good of an idea not to share
(Side note; imagine a Gone Angels cover where the survivor(s) sing and for the itallian lyrics in the midway point the deceased sing)
((extra side note: imagine this is what gets Batman and maybe the other Bats to reflect on the time before and after Tim become robin, post Jason's death; seeing their history repeat with Young Justice))
((hell maybe the Justice League realizes as wells))
"you give the best replies by far." Thank you. Sometimes, it takes a bit to reply to asks cause I'm taking a few hours to really answer the prompts/ideas/questions people pose. I also sleep at random times, so apologizes in advance to any asks that take a while!
My image of YJ is a codependent platonic polycule. They are Young Just Us because they didn't receive proper support from their mentors. This is part of why Cassie and Tim fell apart after Kon and Bart died. This is why, in their own weird ways, both of them tried to get a form of Kon back. Tim tried the scientist cloning avenue, and Cassie tried the cult.
If you want Tim's death to inspire Cassie and YJ to go evil, might I suggest Tim sending proof of Bruce being alive in the timestream and then succumbing to his spleen injury (perhaps an infection)? This would create a delicious amount of angst, anger, and mental breakdowns.
Cassie, the only nonretired YJ member alive at the time, didn't believe Tim about Bruce being alive. This was in part due to the cloning stuff but also in part to trusting Nightwing (or Batman at the time). If Tim didn't make it out of that alive, Cassie may be desperate to find anyone to blame but herself for that. She was a kid, she was lost in her own grief, and Tim should have had the support of literally any other hero.
The entire hero community turned against a teenager in his time of need that he resorted to conspiring with the LoA and ended up losing his life. Whether she chooses to be mad about nobody believing him (Tim's possibly a better detective than Bruce and people have revived before, but his evidence at the time was flimsy), she can be very pissed that not a single hero offered to help him. They didn't even need to trust in Tim's decision. They could have just accompanied Tim until the teen gave up or proved himself right. They could have treated it as a grief road trip while Tim found himself.
Anyways, losing the last nonretired YJ member that way may cause her to just snap. The JL was already on thin ice with the YJ for their lack of support to her generation of heroes. Them failing YJ enough that two children died in the field and one died as a direct result of their actions? She would, rightfully, loathe the JL. On top of that, she does already not trust the government for what they did to Secret. If she can't prosecute the JL, she'll become their enemy.
Cassie lost all of her main polycule. She wants revenge.
After Bart and Kon come back, they see how JL left Cassie and what they did to Tim. Cassie is part of their ride or die, and she has been treated so horribly. Tim has died. They obviously join her.
Now, with Bart there to give evil ideas (Bart is the scariest member of YJ and you can't convince me otherwise), YJ is a force to be reckoned with. Maybe some of the other members come out of retirement, maybe not. They would be unstoppable with Tim helping them, but that's the problem. They don't have Tim. Tim isn't there to help them nor hold them back. That's why they became "evil" anyway.
I like to imagine someone, probably Nightwing, screaming at them from across the battlefield. "This isn't what he would have wanted! He became Robin to stop Batman from destroying everything. This is the antithesis of why he became a hero!"
For a split second, YJ would pause. There's merit in those words, after all. Cassie would recover first as she shakes her head. "He became a hero to be the leash to Batman's rage. He's not here now. He's not here to temper our rage, and you did that. You abandoned a child." She plants her feet more firmly and points her sword at Nightwing. "We won't let you do that again."
It's dealers choice on whether YJ win the battle or not. Also, I do believe YJ would be obsessed with trying to bring Tim back. Perhaps some of their evil deeds truly stem from them trying to find ways to bring back Tim. They are incomplete without him just as they were incomplete without Kon or Bart and would be without Cassie.
Now, is Tim actually alive or does he stay dead? Did Ra's revive him using the Pit? Did Ra's lie or misguide the Bats while keeping Tim hostage? Will Tim come back, either after being brainwashed by Ra's or escaping, to find his platonic polycule has officially lost it and turned evil?
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spockvarietyhour · 6 months ago
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Stargate Universe "The Greater Good"
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finzphoenix · 1 year ago
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More comic practice, yay! Yeah, so, turns out touch can at times be a huge trigger for Eddie due to some past trauma ;-;🖤
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uncaffeinatedbirb · 3 months ago
Jayvik and the Hayao Miyazaki treatment. They don't need to kiss or outright say "I love you" the love is just there, whatever type it may be. It is there and it is theirs 🫶
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batman-gif · 2 years ago
Its genuinely so funny that ford clearly wasn't shaving showering or washing his hair but was wearing and putting on whole ties during the 'MY MUSE LIED TO ME' era like "off to let my paranoia take hold of everything I know and love and devolve in a shell of myself! Gotta look snappy for my empty home I'll scuttle around which is full of only me and the demon I summoned into my life!"
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porahten · 3 months ago
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It’s finally Christmas!
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linderosse · 2 years ago
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Wielders of Wisdom: Introductions Part 1
Sun (Founder) [SS]
Mischievously supportive mom energy; a bit of an airhead
Bright and sassy, yet kind. Hates bullies, but is quick to forgive
Loves Sky so. freaking. much!!! She never stops talking about him.
The most likely to win a prank war
Story: Sun has set her heart below the clouds, and efforts to colonize the Surface are under way. Groose, Pipit, and the other knights have begun to venture out across the world. Yet the people of Skyloft are reluctant to migrate, and unidentified monsters still roam the land in droves…
Dot (Sage) [MC, FS, FSA]
Calm intellectual with a knowing smile and a penchant for dark humor.
Skilled Spellsmith, and amateur blacksmith
Childhood friends with Four. They made a promise to tell each other everything and they haven’t broken it. Yet.
The best at baking pastries
Story: After three separate consecutive attacks by Vaati and Ganon, the kingdom of Hyrule is finally at peace. Now, Dot and her six fellow sages look to secure the future, working on spells and items that should benefit the world at large. Yet others may be out to steal her secrets. And magical artifacts tend to come with risks of their own…
Lullaby (Spy) [OoT]
Silent rogue energy
Zero adventures, but the war keeps her busy. She can handle a spotlight, but she’s best suited to the shadows.
Complicated relationship with Time. Lullaby commissioned Time armor and called on him to fight in the war, and he does it, but they both know he’d rather be anywhere else. They trust and rely on each other, but guilt and history keep them at a distance.
The sneakiest Zelda. Even in this timeline, Impa taught her well.
Story: After Link confirmed her suspicions of Ganon all those years ago, Lullaby led the charge to lock the tyrant away. Impa’s training and Lullaby’s unique skillset as a spy helped Lullaby secure proof of Ganon’s conspiracy, and kept her alive through the resulting assassination attempts from Ganon’s allies. Now, remnants of Ganon’s coalition seem to have allied with outside forces to restart a civil war that’s picking up steam. War-hawks and protestors alike clamor for the queen’s attention while the fighting continues without end. If only Lullaby had more time— or perhaps just more information…
Part 2 >
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arguablysomaya · 9 months ago
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Greater Justice League Polycule v.2
Who'd I miss?
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britishraptor · 10 months ago
Gonna kick the hornets nest here, but the file from the most recent episode of The Magnus Protocol was incredibly underwhelming. It didn’t take into account at all anything that actually makes snakes scary, little to no foreshadowing, and basically attempted to jumpscare the audience with a reveal that reads more like a parody of a horror story than an actual one.
I might look like an idiot or a fool when everything all strings together later than the line, but I’m questioning so much about this episode.
Parasites are scary. Worms, and insects and mold and rot. Decay, possession. Spiders are scary because they’re hard to see, hard to pinpoint and they move fast, plus the connections with webs related to control, and manipulation. So yeah, a worm lady, sure, a person filled with spiderwebs, also sure. But the only connection between snakes and parasitism could be a joke about ‘shedding your skin’ or how disturbing that one scene in Harry Potter was.
Snakes are scary for two reasons:
1) the same reason bears and tigers all that are scary. Hunt style being hurt, and killed, and eaten. Simple.
B) uncanny valley reasons. Snakes don’t blink. They don’t have facial expressions. The way they move and eat and exist is totally different from humans and mammals. They’re often described as alien and cold.
My questions:
a) why rodent control? why was he even actually brought in? His walls are FULL OF SNAKES. It wouldn’t have lasted five minutes. It doesn’t make any sense even if you know he was concerned about parasites. Snakes don’t give a shit about other snakes. To call someone a snake is to literally call them callous and prone to betrayal. A snake eats the rodent, so you kill the snake. Plus a snake store would have access to medications to kill mites and deal with snake illness? Why call the guy at all?
b) the foreshadowing on the owner is terrible. You could have mentioned his skin needed moisturising. That it seemed dry, flaky. Scaly. But just. A red rash? A rash? Are you saying being full of snakes is an infectious disease? That’s what he said at the end, right? That his throat itches. It was swelling. You can just?? Grow your own snakes?? Is that the implication?
No uncanny valley mention on the owner either at all. He didn’t move weird, being full of snakes? Didn’t sway or limp as he walked, didn’t move sluggishly? Bad hearing, didn’t know what to do with his hands? No? Just a short tempered customer. Okay.
c) You lost me at the thousands of snakes. THOUSANDS? What is this, a clown car? A snake clown car in some random guys skin, who explodes because he was mad a customer walked out.
Look, I’m Australian. And when I ask my friends ‘hey, how big do you normally picture a snake being?’ we picture snakes about 1.5m long. Dinner table length is pretty common for all of our common brown, tiger snakes, red bellies, and even longer for our common carpet pythons. But even if I adjust to like, other countries’ grass snakes, thousands?
The throwaway line at the end was plot relevant I’m sure, but I’m all around confused, and totally not even a little bit scared.
The only praise I have is that the description of the crickets was very creepy, and I loved the visual of them moving around like a shuddering wave of pixels on a screen, only really perceived by their screaming.
But yeah. The setup, the foreshadowing, the coherent theming and consistency all just fell totally flat for me. The only thing I learnt was that this guy applied to the institute and was rejected, and that snakes can’t do dishes.
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spockvarietyhour · 6 months ago
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The Starship Destiny (and random alien ship of the week) "The Greater Good"
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mmelolabelle · 6 months ago
If you ever think ‘Man, the universe is out to get me’ just remember that the cosmos looked Aemond Targaryen right in his eye via the one family member he was still on speaking terms with and just straight up told him “lol, you’re gonna die and everything you do is meaningless! enjoy ✌🏻”
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months ago
“The universe sings,” Grian said.
He sounds vaguely distant- like he’s speaking from hundreds of blocks away rather than right next to Mumbo.
He turns on his bed, slow halting movements, to face him.
“Did you know?”
Mumbo can only stare.
“…Sings?” He asks. He shifts on his chair.
Grian seems to want to nod, but aborts the motion halfway, and hums instead.
“Yeah. The code. It sings, if you listen close enough,” Grian mumbles.
Mumbo opens his mouth, then closes it again.
Grian exhales a long breath, and his eyes drift close.
“Can you hear it?”
Mumbo watches the way Grian’s chest rises and falls, shallowly, slowly.
He closes his eyes, and strains to hear.
He hears- Tango out in another room of the house, pacing circles around the kitchen. Mumbo can tell it’s Tango by the shuffle in his walk.
He can hear birds outside, twittering. Wind rustling through branches. An animal- a pig, maybe, trotting along some grass.
It’s quite calming really- but he doesn’t hear singing. At least, he doesn’t think he does?
When he opens his eyes again, it’s to Grian staring right at him.
Mumbo exhales in one sharp breath- he didn’t realise he’d stopped breathing- and meets Grian’s gaze.
“Did you mean like, actual singing or- or was that metaphorical? Because I can’t hear anything other than trees, mate,” he says, only half-joking.
Grian huffs a small laugh, and shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s not really singing-singing. It’s music, though. You’ve definitely heard some of it- discs. That’s the easiest way to hear it. But that’s- so few of what’s out there. There’s more music, if you know how to listen for it,” he hums. His eyes close again, and he leans more into the mattress.
Mumbo pauses, and thinks on that for a moment. Music discs, huh? He supposes it seems plausible, that there’d be more music out there.
But then why has he never heard it? Mumbo doesn’t ever recall hearing ‘the code sing’. If it’s tied into music discs, then is it naturally generated? Is hearing it a ‘watcher thing’?
Mumbo glances down at his hands, traces lines of dirt under his fingernails.
He nods, though Grian can’t see it anyway. He makes some vague ‘see you later’ comment he can’t bother to think about, and carefully gets to his feet.
At the doorframe, he peers back.
Grian lies there, breathing steadily.
Mumbo turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.
headcanon that the minecraft soundtrack can be heard in the code, but only if you're 'in harmony' with it. cue other headcanon of watchers being very aware of the code
HEY ANON. ANON. I ADORE THIS HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE THIS HEADCANON???? The idea that the universe is constantly singing to itself, and you can hear that through the Greater Code if you really carefully listen, is something i lowkey want to canonize SO BADLY holy shit. And this is such a lovely snippet too, im always such a sucker for deeply layered conversations like this.... i adore how youve given so much depth to the sentence "the universe sings" and the implications of how and why Grian is hearing it so much right now. [THROWS UP BLOOD] IM OBSESSED.......
Also this Mumbo dialogue especially is on point youve done such a good job of capturing his little speech patterns :] STUNNING JOB ANON IM SO FLATTERED U WROTE THIS!!!!! I really think i might canonize this concept just for how absolutely amazing it is, im utterly obsessed with it
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